随着新能源行业竞争日愈激烈 , 成本压力日趋增长 , 对于手动维修开关等高压连接器的小型化、轻量化的诉求也越来越强 。 为顺应市场需求 , 中航光电推出了DLQ5系列手动维修开关 。
The increasing competition in the new energy vehicle industry has prompted manufacturers to reduce costs. High-voltage connectors such as MSD needs to be miniaturized and lightweight. Therefore, JONHON has launched DLQ5 series MSD.
DLQ5 series MSD
产品简介 Introduction
DLQ5系列手动维修开关应用于新能源汽车高压配电箱、电池箱等设备的高压连接 。 产品具有高压互锁、二级分离功能 , 进一步保障操作安全可靠性;产品采用片式接触件 , 相对于传统圆针圆孔式更具成本优势;产品通过结构优化及布局改善 , 进一步减小了整体尺寸 , 具备小型化、轻量化的优势 , 便于在更紧凑的设备布局中应用 。
【寻找新能源汽车手动维修开关?看看中航光电的“神器”】DLQ5 MSD is used for high-voltage connection in new energy vehicle such as PDU and battery boxes.
It has high-voltage interlock and two-stage separation to ensure a safe and reliable operation.
The chip contact of DLQ5 reduces costs.
Product structure has been optimized and the size has become smaller.
This small, lightweight product is suitable for compact environment.
额定电压:690V AC/750V DC
耐电压:4000V AC
Rated current: 250A (no fuse)
Rated current of other models depends on the current of fuse
Rated voltage: 690V AC/750V DC
Withstand voltage: 4000V AC
Working temp: -40~125℃
IP degree: IP68, IPXXD (after mated), IPXXB ( receptacle only)
DLQ5系列作为我司针对小型化、轻量化要求开发的一款手动维修开关 , 结构简单 , 操作方便 , 可为用户提供更优的使用体验及更佳的竞争力 。
DLQ5 MSD, a small and lightweight product developed by JONHON, has advantages of simple structure and convenient operation, providing better experience and competitiveness.
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