Dihua cast "Guangxu silver round" completely modeled after aksu, Kashi two silver dollar pattern. "Xinjiang Atlas" said: "The pattern of silver weight, also according to the ah, Ka two cities of the old chapter, divided into five money, three money, two money three, evenly used, the least money, there is no need to imitate". Its front middle straight book "Guangxu silver round", the right column "Di Hua", the left column value. The middle of the back is still the old Uyghur, translated into Chinese as "Di Hua made, 5 money, 3 money, 2 money" and the Calendar year.
【 迪化|【精品推荐】光绪银圆迪化三钱】The "Guangxu silver yuan" in Di Hua is divided into two sets: one set is the "Five coins, three coins and two coins" in lowercase Chinese numerals (Figure 5), which was cast earlier in 1903-1905; The other set is "Five qian, three Qian and two Qian" in Chinese numerals (Figure 6), which was cast a little later in 1904 ~ 1907. It was the heyday of silver casting for Xinjiang, and its style is very unique:
These silver coins are different from those made in the mainland at the same time. The silver coins in the inland provinces were named "Guangxu yuan Bao" and the back was the dragon pattern symbolizing the imperial power. The silver coins of xinjiang bureau, named "Guangxu Silver round", have the plain tradition of Chinese coins on the front and the decorative pattern of Central Asian Arab Islamic style "double leaf" or "nine florets" on the back, integrating the eastern and Western currency cultures.
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