
藏品规格高:51.5cm口:21珐琅彩瓷器的出现是瓷器发展史上的一个必然产物珐琅彩瓷器的前就身是景泰蓝,也就是所谓的“画珐琅”。它兴起于明代,是在铜胎上以蓝为背景色,掐以 铜丝,再填上红、黄、蓝、绿、白等色釉烧制而成的工艺晶。清代康熙年间这种“画珐琅”的方法被用在瓷胎上,其吸取了铜胎画珐琅的技法,在瓷质的胎上,用各种珐琅彩料描绘而成的一种新的釉上彩瓷。雍容华贵的珐琅彩问世,虽与“康熙盛世”有关,但与雍正的关系更为重要。雍正登基后,对社会进行了一番改革,大大提高了景德镇制瓷艺人的社会地位。而且雍正酷爱精美绝伦的瓷器,经常对宫廷瓷器加以评价,亲自过问,并派得力的官员去管理瓷业生产。康熙、雍正年制作珐琅彩时,先在景德镇官窑中选出最好的原料烧制成素胎送至宫廷,由宫廷画师加彩后在宫中第二次入低温炉烘烤而成。
康熙|大清雍正年珐琅彩】珐琅彩的彩料还有“洋为中用”的成分。五彩和粉彩中都不含的化学成份“硼”珐琅彩 中有:珐琅彩中含“砷”;康熙前的瓷器中黄色为氧化铁,而珐琅彩中黄色的成分是氧化锑; 珐琅彩还有用康熙前没见过的胶体金着色的金红。上述化学成分分析说明了珐琅彩是国外引 入的,文字上也有记载,宫中原名《瓷胎画珐琅》的档案于乾隆八年改名《瓷胎洋彩》由此可见珐琅彩确是欧洲进口,由此更可见康熙帝国时中外文化与贸易交往的盛况。
Collection specification: 51.5cm mouth: 21 the emergence of enamel porcelain is an inevitable product in the history of porcelain development. Cloisonne porcelain is the former body of cloisonne, which is the so-called "painting enamel". It originated in the Ming Dynasty. It is a kind of craft crystal which is made of copper with blue as background color, copper wire and red, yellow, blue, green and white glaze. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty, this method of "painting enamel" was used on porcelain body. It absorbed the technique of painting enamel with copper body. On the porcelain body, a new kind of overglaze colored porcelain was painted with various enamel materials. Although the appearance of the elegant enamel color was related to the prosperous period of Kangxi, the relationship with Yongzheng was more important. After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he reformed the society and greatly improved the social status of Jingdezhen porcelain making artists. Moreover, Yongzheng was very fond of exquisite porcelain. He often evaluated the court porcelain, personally asked about it, and sent competent officials to manage the porcelain industry. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi and Yongzheng, the best raw materials were selected from the official kilns in Jingdezhen and sent to the court. After being colored by court painters, they were baked in a low-temperature oven for the second time.