new|疫情之下再现财富分化,亿万富豪出自哪些行业?( 三 )

In 2018, 2019 and the first seven months of 2020, thebillionaires who can be identified as innovators and disruptorsgrew their wealth by 17% to USD 5.3trn, while traditionalbillionaires’ wealth increased by a smaller 6% to USD 3.7trn.
从行业角度来看 , 大多数科技(94%)和医疗保健(71%)行业的亿万富豪都属于创新者和颠覆者 。
Looking at this from a sector perspective, most ofthe technology (94%) and healthcare (71%) billionairesare among these innovators and disruptors.
从地域角度来看 , 被视为创新者和颠覆者的亚太地区亿万富豪的财富增长23% , 达到1.4万亿美元 , 而传统行业亿万富豪的财富在同一时期小幅增长13% , 达到1.2万亿美元 。
From a regional perspective, APAC billionaires who can beidentified as innovators and disruptors grew their wealth by23% to USD 1.4trn, while traditional billionaires’ wealthincreased by a smaller 13% to 1.2 trillion during thesame period.
亚太地区拥有科技和医疗保健领域亿万富豪的比例最高 , 达到181位 , 占亿万富豪总人数的8%;相比之下 , 美洲有153人 , 占7% , 欧洲、中东和非洲地区有88人 , 占4% 。
APAC has the highest share of billionaires in technology andhealthcare with 181 billionaires (8%) of the total billionairepopulation against 153 (7%) of the Americas and 88 (4%) of theEMEA.
Driving rebuilding of global economy
研究涉及的1,542位亿万富豪所掌控或部分控制的公司在全球拥有2,770万名雇员 。 这一数字与英国的劳动人口大致相近 。
The 1,542 billionaires analyzed owned or partly ownedcompanies employed over 27.7 million people worldwide – roughly thesame as the UK’s working population.
亿万富豪的捐赠额度超出了历史上任何时期 。 在2020年3月至6月间 , 209位亿万富豪公开承诺相当于72亿美元的捐赠 , 来应对疫情 。
Billionaires are giving more than at any time in history. Some209 billionaires have publicly committed a total of USD 7.2bnbetween March and June 2020 to tackle the pandemic,
考虑到他们一贯的谨慎作风 , 这一数字可能只是全部捐赠中的一小部分 。
though that is likely to be only a fraction of the overallamount, given a tendency towards discretion.
一些亿万富豪正寻求通过慈善事业、企业和投资等各种活动产生积极的影响力 , 而不仅仅只关注慈善基金会 。
Some innovators are seeking to make a positive impact acrossall activities – philanthropy, corporate and investment – asopposed to looking solely to a charitable foundation.
Diverging fortunes amid the Covid-19 storm
由于2020年前几个月疫情肆虐 , 仅仅在2月和3月的几周内 , 亿万富豪的财富就比2019年减少了6.6% 。
As the pandemic grew in the first few months of 2020, just afew extraordinary weeks in February and March 2020 causedbillionaire wealth to fall 6.6% over 2019 ,
2020年前4个月 , 亿万富豪的财富下降5,640亿美元 , 至8万亿美元 。 亿万富豪的人数减少43人 , 至2,058人 。
【new|疫情之下再现财富分化,亿万富豪出自哪些行业?】and the first four months of 2020, by USD 564.0 billion, toUSD 8.0 trillion. The number of individual billionaires fellby 43 to 2,058.