中国国际时装周|SS21 CFW 预热 | SUN DACHUN·孙德春
【中国国际时装周|SS21 CFW 预热 | SUN DACHUN·孙德春】
发布主题:“After Us”
《After Us》以复古和未来科技两种冲突感的元素营造现实 , 打造复古未来美学 。
《After Us》Economic instabilityand pandemic magnify people' spanic about the future.
SUN DACHUN , 本季主题风格主要以轻奢运动为主 , 融入复古未来元素和高街的潮牌风 , 使整个系列充满未来科技的摩登感 , 数字科技的怀旧色彩 , 均体现超现实怀旧情结 。
SUN DACHUN, Light luxury sports style dominates this theme, combining withretro futurism and high street aesthetics to give a techno-futuristic twist. Nostalgic colors of digital technology and brilliant 3D patterns deliver a surreal vintage vibe.
SUN DACHUN是以轻奢运动为品牌基调 , 崇尚经典、自由、简约的格调 , 并注重实穿性 。 追求自由舒适的生活方式 , 在设计细节里彰显品质与时髦 。 将服装的功能性与设计感合二为一 。
SUN DACHUN takes light luxury sports as its brand keynote, advocates classic, free and simple style, and pays attention to practical wear. The pursuit of free and comfortable lifestyle, in the design details highlight the quality and fashion. Combine the functionality of the garment with the sense of design.
设计师孙德春 , 曾连续两次携童装品牌登上中国国际时装周的舞台 , 其打造的SUN DACHUN也将以全新的面貌展现出一个年轻品牌的动感与活力 。
Designer SUN Dechun, who has appeared on the stage of China International Fashion Week with children's clothing brand twice in a row, will present the dynamism and vitality of a young brand with a brand new appearance.
孙德春 , 95后新锐设计师 , 其设计作品被中国丝绸博物馆永久收藏 。
Sun DaChun, Emerging designers of the'95 generation , Design works are collected by the China Silk Museum 。
孙德春 , 擅长用面料塑造服装风格与产品差别 , 在色彩和面料上 , 每季都有新的突破 , 棋盘格元素、真花面料......他勇于挑战 , 敢于创新 , 不断为观众带来惊喜 。
Sun DaChun is good at using fabrics to shape clothing style and product differences. New breakthough can be seen at each seasons such as using checkerboard elements, true flower fabric. He is innovative and courageous to bring surprise for his customers.
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