闭门多时的影院近期陆续开放 , 上映时间一推再推的电影也终于要和观众见面了 。 九月份的电影既有期待已久的大片——诺兰导演的《信条》、刘亦菲主演的《花木兰》 , 也有戏骨云集的人物传记片《格洛丽亚在路上》和荷兰弟主演的惊悚片《神弃之地》 。 千万不要错过!
Tenetstill (Credit: Warner Bros)
If any film is going to tempt crowds back to cinemas, it’s Christopher Nolan’sTenet, a brain-frying science-fiction blockbuster with a high concept and a higher budget. John David Washington stars as a secret agent who learns about mysterious weapons that move backwards through time, and then dashes off on a mission to find the man responsible, a sadistic Ukrainian arms dealer played by Kenneth Branagh. Tenet is a Bond movie that squeezesBack to the Future 2andEdge of Tomorrowinto its last act. After six months with almost no new films in cinemas, it’s good to see a film so crammed with exotic locations, snazzy costumes, shoot-outs and explosions that you get six months’ worth of entertainment in two and a half hours.
如果说有哪部电影可以吸引大众回归影院 , 那就是克里斯多夫·诺兰的《信条》 , 这是一部成本超高的高概念烧脑科幻大片 。 约翰·大卫·华盛顿在片中饰演一位特工 , 他得知可以令时间倒流的秘密武器后 , 就火速开始了寻找罪魁祸首的任务 , 后者是肯尼思·布莱纳格饰演的一名残酷成性的乌克兰军火商 。 《信条》本质上是一部007电影 , 结局是《回到未来2》和《明日边缘》的集合体 。 在经历了几乎没有新片上映的六个月后 , 能看到一部充满异国风情、新潮服饰、枪战和爆炸场面的电影真是棒极了 , 在两个半小时内就过足了六个月的瘾 。
On general release now, and in the US and Russia on 3 September
该片现在已全面上映 , 9月3日在美国和俄罗斯上映 。
Mulanstill (Credit: Disney)
Has there ever been a longer gap between a film’s premiere and its general release?Mulanhad its red-carpet gala in Los Angeles on 9 March, but then... well, we all know what happened next. Its release was postponed and postponed again, and now at last Niki Caro’s live-action remake of the 1998 cartoon is being shown on Disney Plus for a premium fee. It will go down in history as the first major film to go straight to the company’s new streaming channel, but it’s a shame that it won’t be on the big screen. Judging by the trailers,Mulanwill have some huge battle scenes and spectacular mountain scenery, as a Chinese girl (Yifei Liu) disguised as a man proves herself in the emperor’s army.
还有一部电影的首映式和发行期的间隔时间比《花木兰》更长的吗?《花木兰》于3月9日举行了红毯首映礼 , 然后……大家都知道发生了什么 。 妮基·卡罗导演的这部翻拍自1998年动画的真人电影上映日期一再推迟 , 最后改成在Disney+平台上付费点播 。 该片将成为史上第一部直接在迪士尼新流媒体渠道播放的大片 , 但很可惜它不会在电影院上映 。 从预告片来看 , 这部电影中将出现一些宏大的战争场面和壮观的山川美景 , 刘亦菲饰演的中国女孩花木兰将假扮成男子在皇帝的军队中证明自己的实力 。
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