
My friend, there are three basic options. One option is self-study from books. The second option is some sort of class. The third is a private tutor.
Think about yourself. Let’s say that preparing for the GMAT is a task about as challenging as a university class. Could you have excelled in your university class if you didn’t have the teacher \u0026amp; class, but just the books and material? Would you have been certain of acing the class on your own even without the live help of anyone else? If you honestly can say “yes,” to that, then you are an exceptional student and self-study is the option for you. If you are pursuing the self-study plan, you certain have the option of posting or searching for any difficult question on a GMAT forum, such as GMAT Club.
Many people are not going to be able to answer “yes” to those questions, and that’s fine. I don’t know whether I would have answered “yes” when I was done with university. It’s very natural that we learn from each other and with each other’s support. There are classes with a life instructor in a physical location: the advantage is having direct face-to-face contact with the teacher, and the disadvantage is (1) the fixed schedule of the class, (2) usually not being able to repeat something you didn’t fully get, and (3) the high cost. There are also online classes, which you can watch on your own time; you can rewatch any lesson or part of a lesson you want to see again; and the cost is often not much more than the cost of a good set of GMAT prep books.
Magoosh is an online company that has important resources in addition to the online lessons. Each of Magoosh’s 1000+ questions has its own video explanation, so that students get immediate feedback after each question. Magoosh also has email help available: students can send “help emails” to Magoosh about any Magoosh question or official question and get an answer in under 24 hours.
The tutoring option is extremely expensive, but some students only learn this way, with live one-on-one help, and can afford this high expense. Notice that each option can include the previous ones: someone taking a live or online class can certainly supplement studies with GMAT books of other companies, and someone working with a tutor can also be using an online class and other books. In fact, Magoosh bundles a small tutoring package with its online course on its plans page.
【已过专八,打算12月中考GMAT,需要报补习班吗】 The best answer to this question, as to many question in Life, is that you have to know yourself. You have to be comfortable admitting both your strengths and your weaknesses. Trust your gut about what you need. I wish you the very best of good fortune, my friend.
Finally, I have office hours every week on our WeChat account! Feel free to add us—our username is Magoosh备考辅导
——Mike McGarry
作者简介:Mike McGarry是来自Magoosh的GMAT专家,本人在哈佛大学攻读了物理学学士学位、宗教学硕士学位,并在数学、科学以及等级考试等执教超过20余年。
还有20天时间准备托福,实际上更多的核心还是再听力和口语上。即便过了专八但这两个考试的侧重点不同。备考托福的时候,gmat报个补习班确实无可厚非。 但是前期建议还是能够去听听公开课,老师好不好,拉出来你遛遛就知道了。 Kmf,新航道 还有xdf 都会有线上或是线下的试听课
不需要很多技术含量,我做的时候就是听一句写一句。 你过了专八英语基础肯定是不差的, 所以你可以调快语速或是一段段的听写. 但是最后一定是要复述出来的。然后和原文对比,查漏补缺
每天准备TOEFL 的时候。当然我们的GMAT也是不能丢的。
所以这里每天至少还是要匀出三个小时给GMAT。毕竟再GMAT 阅读的练习和词汇上对托福还是的有一定帮助的。
报班的话最好报小班,因为小班互动性更强些,老师尽量可以把精力分散到每个学生上,在照顾个体上还是比较好的。 还有一点是要注意要模考,尽量还原考试场景,适应环境,很多考生考完后有人就反映:不适应电脑屏幕,或者键盘等。