恒星英语学习网|灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家,KPI随缘 网友:我可以!

【恒星英语学习网|灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家,KPI随缘 网友:我可以!】_本文原题:灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家 , KPI随缘 网友:我可以!
近日 , 杭州灵隐寺在其官方微信公众号上发布了一则面向社会公开招聘文职人员的招聘启事 , 让这个千年古刹再次“出圈” 。
恒星英语学习网|灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家,KPI随缘 网友:我可以!
周二 , 中国东部最大、最富有的寺庙之一灵隐寺宣布了两个行政职位的空缺 , 很多人询问“我能胜任这个工作吗?”更多的人在问“寺庙的生活是什么样的?”
Lingyin Temple, one of the largest and wealthiest temples in east China, announced on Tuesday vacancies for two administrative positions, leaving many wondering "Am I qualified for the job?" and more asking "What's life in a temple like?"
新员工将负责撰写新闻稿、发言稿和其他报道 , 以及管理、更新和开发寺庙的社交媒体账户 。 理想的求职者至少要有中文学士学位 , 但该职位没有详细说明其他方面的内容 。
The new hires will be tasked with writing press releases, speeches and other reports, as well as managing, updating and developing the temple's social media accounts. Ideal candidates would have to have at least a bachelor's degree in Chinese, but the post doesn't specify much else.
恒星英语学习网|灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家,KPI随缘 网友:我可以!
恒星英语学习网|灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家,KPI随缘 网友:我可以!
因为寺庙欢迎来自寺院圈子之外的申请者 , 因此申请该职位无需出家 。
For those wondering, you don't have to be a monk to apply as the temple is welcoming applicants from outside the monastic circle.
不过 , 新员工必须住在寺庙 , 每周休息一天 。 这则招聘广告一经发布便迅速走红 , 目前在中国社交媒体平台微信上的点击量已超过10万次 。
However, recruits will have to live on campus with one day off a week. The job ad has gone viral since being published, receiving over 100,000 views so far on WeChat, a Chinese social media platform.
广大网友们表现出了积极的意愿“皈依我佛” 。
恒星英语学习网|灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家,KPI随缘 网友:我可以!

恒星英语学习网|灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家,KPI随缘 网友:我可以!
恒星英语学习网|灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家,KPI随缘 网友:我可以!
几年前灵隐寺其实就在公众号上发布过新媒体小编的招聘启事 , 当时同样引发关注 , 最后 一位90后小伙赵莲贵从一千多人里被选中 。
2016年 , 该寺庙发布了社交媒体经理的招聘广告 。 有1000多名申请者前来应聘 , 赵莲贵幸运地被选中了 。 如今寺庙的另一轮招聘正在进行中 , 赵莲贵决定分享自己当时的工作经历 。
In 2016, the same temple advertised a position for a social media manager. Over 1,000 applications came in, but Zhao Liangui was the lucky pick. With another round of recruitment at the temple underway, the man decided to share his own experience working at the religious site.
恒星英语学习网|灵隐寺发招聘启事“出圈”:不用出家,KPI随缘 网友:我可以!