
当地时间5月7日 , 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道称特朗普的一名贴身工作人员确诊新冠肺炎 。
该工作人员隶属美国海军 , 为白宫精英部队的成员之一 , 需要和特朗普及“第一家庭”近距离接触 。
The valets are members of an elite military unit dedicated to the White House and often work very close to the President and first family.
报道称 , 该工作人员在6日上午出现新冠肺炎症状 , 并在当晚进行测试 。 为了确保安全 , 特朗普随即在白宫医务人员的协助下再次接受新冠病毒测试 。
白宫随后发表声明确认了这一消息 。
白宫新闻秘书霍根·吉德利在声明中称 , 随后 , 特朗普和副总统彭斯都接受了新冠病毒检测 , 结果呈阴性 , 他们仍然身体健康 。
\"The President and the Vice President have since tested negative for the virus and they remain in great health.\"
特朗普回应:将每天接受检测 据CNN报道 , 美国总统特朗普在回应其贴身工作人员感染新冠病毒一事时表示 , 他与这名男子“几乎没有私人接触” , 并形容这种情况“有点奇怪” 。
Trump said he'd had \"very little personal contact\" with the man a US military member who tested positive. He described the situation as \"a little bit strange.\"
特朗普表示 , 此后他将每天接受新冠病毒检测 。
President Trump says he'll be tested daily for coronavirus after one of his valets tested positive for Covid-19.
之前 , 特朗普和白宫工作人员每周检测一次 。 他表示 , 从检测到确诊之间“有很多时间错过了” , “在接受检测和几天后的这段时间里会发生什么?”
\"What happens in between when you got tested and just a couple of days later?\" he asked saying there were \"a number of days missed\" between when the valet was last tested and when he discovered he had coronavirus.