PHP:权威的5.6、7.0、7.1、7.2、7.3和7.4 PHP运行效率基准测试2020( 九 )
对于PyroCMS基准测试 , 我们使用了免费的入门主题 。
- 经过测试的网址: /posts/welcome-to-pyrocms
- PyroCMS 3.7不支持PHP 5.6或7.0 。
- Note: We encountered an error when running on PHP 7.4. Most likely because it isn’t supported yet. Therefore, we weren’t able to include it in the benchmarks.
PyroCMS PHP benchmarks
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Benchmark Results
- PyroCMS 3.5.3 PHP 5.6 benchmark results: not supported
- PyroCMS 3.5.3 PHP 7.0 benchmark results: not supported
- PyroCMS 3.5.3 PHP 7.1 benchmark results: 91.45 req/sec
- PyroCMS 3.5.3 PHP 7.2 benchmark results: 94.77 req/sec
- PyroCMS 3.5.3 PHP 7.3 benchmark results: 103.35 req/sec
- PyroCMS 3.5.3 PHP 7.4 benchmark results: not supported
Pagekit 1.0.17 Pagekit is an open-source modular and lightweight CMS founded by YOOtheme. It gives you the tools to create beautiful websites. It was released in the Spring of 2016.
For the Pagekit benchmark, we used the free One theme (default Pagekit theme).
- Tested URL: /blog/1
Pagekit PHP benchmarks
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Benchmark Results
- Pagekit 1.0.17 PHP 5.6 benchmark results: 249.48 req/sec
- Pagekit 1.0.17 PHP 7.0 benchmark results: 401.77 req/sec
- Pagekit 1.0.17 PHP 7.1 benchmark results: 406.99 req/sec
- Pagekit 1.0.17 PHP 7.2 benchmark results: 419.56 req/sec
- Pagekit 1.0.17 PHP 7.3 benchmark results: 431.21 req/sec
- Pagekit 1.0.17 PHP 7.4 benchmark results: 438.39 req/sec
Bolt CMS 3.7.0 Bolt CMS , 即Bolt , 是一种开源内容管理工具 , 力求尽可能简单明了 。 它基于Silex和Symfony组件 , 使用Twig和SQLite , MySQL或PostgreSQL 。
对于Bolt CMS基准测试 , 我们使用了免费的Bolt Base 2018主题 。
- 经过测试的网址: /entry/hello-world
- 注意:使用内置虚拟内容生成器生成的内容 。
Bolt CMS PHP基准测试
- Bolt CMS 3.7.0 PHP 5.6基准测试结果:50.91 req / sec
- Bolt CMS 3.7.0 PHP 7.0基准测试结果:132.49 req / sec
- Bolt CMS 3.7.0 PHP 7.1基准测试结果:134.55 req / sec
- Bolt CMS 3.7.0 PHP 7.2基准测试结果:139.02 req / sec
- Bolt CMS 3.7.0 PHP 7.3基准测试结果:147.03 req / sec
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