
到一群高大威猛的黑人圈里,竖中指冲他们喊you are son of bitch!切克闹!I am fucking your dad! Yo~yo~ 然后说唱开始:Yeah my penis is kinda small... but it\u0026#39;s small enough to get in and dent your pussy walls!You just mad caus you came in the room see me fucking your dad! .... it\u0026#39;s okay! Let me explain! Listen-understand! Yes it is true! I fucked your mom, I fucked your dad and now I\u0026#39;m out here fucking you! ........... bitch! Shut the fuck up before I punch you in the -- TITTY!!!You\u0026#39;re not a chick, you got a motherfucking dick! ..... motherfucker!定可立刻打成一片参考资料:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhQEymGSP40