
Greetings, Prof XXXI\u0026#39;m an undergraduate from xxx, (following some brief introduction about yourself), I\u0026#39;m interested in your research, especially about xxx, (you can elaborate on this point depend on your actually experience, if not, how would you do to make up for it, concentrate on your advantages and potential). I\u0026#39;m about to graduate next year, and wondering if you\u0026#39;ll have any MS (or Ph.D) openings by then. Attached is my CV( and possibly transcript) (A pdf version of your CV is highly recommended).Looking 4ward 2 ur reply.XXX
“第一次给导师写mail的时候应该写些什么内容呢?”》最近和我的日本教授聊过[接受研究生]的要求。(当然教授不同,观点可能不一样,我只是把自己听到的表述一下。)首先,就像sim chan 说的,研究计划书是重点,也就是说,你要了解一下你教授的相关研究领域,然后发现一些新奇的点,围绕一个或几个点,写成研究计划书。