扁鹊见秦武王(扁鹊见秦武王阅读答案)( 二 )

The doctor came to qin argues, textual he argues that the condition, told the textual textual Suggestions about medical treatment, but as soon as possible, "Kings minister objection of the disease in the front of the eyes, ears, not cure, it makes ear not clear, the eyes." The textual told argues, textual listened to very angry, the cure BianShi a lost, said: "the Kings who understand medical illness, and consult with the person be don"t understand a discussion, interference, with this treatment, can understand the internal affairs of the qin Kings, and so on, are always the subjugation."医扁鹊见秦武王的阅读题目
1.解释文中加点的词语(1)武王示之病 (疾病 ) (2)君与知之者谋之(计议,商量,谋划 )2.用现代汉语翻译文中画线的句子将使耳不聪,目不明 。答:将使您的耳朵(听觉)不灵敏,眼睛不明亮 。3.“君以告扁鹊”中,“告扁鹊”的具体内容是什么 。答:“左右”认为“我”的病治了也难好,且会危及视听。4.扁鹊的话一是针对 ( 治病 ) 而言,一是针对 ( 治国 ) 而言 。5.概括评价问中的人物扁鹊 。“扁鹊见秦武王,武王示之病,扁鹊请除 。(克尽一个医生的本分,毫不矫揉做作 。)左右曰:‘君之病在耳之前,目之下,除之未必已也,将使耳不聪目不明 。’君以告扁鹊,扁鹊怒而投其石 。(表现了扁鹊对篾片小人的痛恨)曰:‘君与知者谋之,而与不知者败之 。(一个医生,大胆到对君王进行最直接的批评教育)” 。扁鹊有直言不讳、不以权贵脸色行事的品性,是一个敢于为真理而献身的人 。从《扁鹊见秦武王》看出 扁鹊的什么品质