[怀柔科学城]8家国际顶尖团队倾力设计怀柔科学城城市客厅 这才是真正的视觉冲击!( 六 )

[怀柔科学城]8家国际顶尖团队倾力设计怀柔科学城城市客厅 这才是真正的视觉冲击!
B地块 综合服务终端
以“综合服务终端”为理念 , 以简洁的直线条为语言 , 打造极富现代感、科技感的形象 。 规划传承启动区“小街区 , 密路网”的规划特色 , 以相似体量延续城市肌理 。 围合式公共下沉绿化 。 首层围绕中心花园布置商业配套服务周边 。 丰富立体式的绿色公共空间串联整个园区 , 为国际科学人才提供社交平台 , 形成科技产业活力中心 。
Plot B Complex Service Terminal
The design concept for Plot-B is "Complex Service Terminal". The design creates simple straight-line as general architectural language, creating modern and hi-tech architectural image with metal panel and glass curtain wall as the main facade materials. In urban scale, the project inherited the “Small Block, Intensive Road Network” principle, staying harmony with the urban fabric. Reserve the public sunken plaza at B1 with retail facilities gathering around at 1st floor.Multi-layered green public space connects the entire park, providing a social platform for international science and technology talents.
[怀柔科学城]8家国际顶尖团队倾力设计怀柔科学城城市客厅 这才是真正的视觉冲击!
C地块 田园聚落
本方案以“田园聚落”为设计概念 。 规划上依照城市肌理排布公寓产品 , 沿主要道路和公寓首层布置配套商业 , 形成串联区域的商业轴 。 设置二层步道及景观平台系统连接社区及河道 。 整体建筑立面设计简洁现代 , 极富趣味的景观连桥系统将各个特色商业空间串连在一起并延伸至水岸 , 打造亲近自然 , 绿色健康的田园水岸社区 。
Plot C Pastoral Village
The design concept of Plot-C is "Pastoral Village". The Masterplan distributes the apartment products according to the urban texture, and arranges the retail facilities at the 1st floor of the apartment along the main road, so as to form a commercial axis connecting the entire area. A two-story walkway and landscape platform system connects the community and river bank. The fa ade design is simple and modern. The interesting landscape bridge system connects various featured retail spaces together and extends to the waterfront, creating a eco-waterfront community.