Editor's note:The Year of the Tiger in the Chinese lunar calendar is around the corner. We, together with Henan Museum, wish you a prosperous, auspicious and happy New Year! To foster a strong festive atmosphere, we are launching theTiger Designs on Central Plain Treasuresseries featuring 6 bilingual stories about the tiger-themed treasures collected by Henan Museum. Here is the first episode:The Tiger-shaped Jade Pendant.
Hello, I'm Jiaqi.
You must know well the tigers at zoos,
but how about the "tigers" in the treasures of Henan province?
In the next few days, I will take you to Henan Museum.
OK, let's go and see the "cute tigers" hidden in Henan's treasures!
The Tiger-shaped Jade Pendant, 6.2 centimeters in width and 12.5 centimeters in length, was made of gray jade during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), which is collected by Henan Museum.
The flat pendant shows us a tiger with its head bowed, back arched, elbows bent and tail curled. One side of the pendant is smooth without decorations, while the other side is inscribed with a few geometric patterns on the tiger's belly and limbs. Two holes in the pendant make it a wearable ornament.
来源:大河网 文案/赵汉青 播音/王家琦 制作/王君艺 审校/丁岚 陈行洁
【双语说河南| tiger】责编:杜若森 审核:贺心群
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