Remains of 22 houses of Longshan Culture period (around 2500 BC-2000 BC) were recently discovered at the Xiaojiaokou Site in Sanmenxia city of Central China's Henan province, said a source from Henan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology on January 20. Apart from 3 crypt houses, the rest are semi-crypt ones. It is worth noting that the crypt houses painted with lime, 吕-shaped semi-crypt ones and pottery kilns discovered at the Xiaojiaokou Site show the style of Taosi Culture period (around 2300-1900BC), which are of great significance to study the major issues related to early China and the progress of Xia Dynasty (about 2070-1600 BC) in Central China.
Only one crypt house, with 1.5 meters in height, 1.3 meters in width and 3.9 meters in length, was excavated this time. Its ground and walls had been renovated for many times.
【河南发现4000年前窑洞建筑|双语说河南| 窑洞式】中文来源/河南日报 采访人员/张体义 温小娟 编译/赵汉青 王家琦 海报/王君艺 审校/陈行洁
责编:赵惜辰 审核:范昭
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