三、制冷设备,众所周知,厨房是生产食物的地方、储藏冷冻冷藏原材料少不了冰箱冰柜 。用的比较多的双温双控的四门冰箱、六门冰箱、两门冰箱、一般大型餐饮冷藏与冷冻需分开的还会用到单控温的冰箱 。冰箱根据制冷方式有风冷和直冷两种,一般的厨房直冷即可,风冷因其无霜、冷气均匀、压缩机上乘当然成本较高,一般用于储存高档食材 。制冷设备中不可忽视的是工作台冰箱,因其既能保鲜冷冻又能作为操作台使用,备受厨师喜爱 。工作台冰箱因是卧式设计、其因需满足操作需要,故空间有限、目前市面上仅有单控温 。很多厨房都会用到冰块,因此制冷设备里还有制冰机 。
四、食品加个机械、随着厨房操作需要及我国制造业的不断发展,目前厨房生产加工中一出现大量食品加工设备,比如:搅拌机、和面机、压面机、醒发箱、切片机、切菜机、土豆脱皮机、杀鱼机、锯骨机、切碎机、拌馅机、包子机、饺子机、绞肉机、淘米机、豆浆机、榨汁机、肉丸机、灌肠机、芽苗机、小龙虾清洗机、米饭加工生产线、面条加工生产线等 。
五、清洁洗消设备,卫生室食堂最基本的要求,因此厨房设备里面少不了清洁洗消设备,主要设备有,消毒柜,餐具消毒设备,有低温消毒柜、高温消毒柜,单门双门都有,另外还有刀具消毒柜等,中型餐饮强制要求配置洗碗机,洗碗机有提拉式洗碗机、通道式洗碗机、长龙式洗碗机等 。
六、西餐设备,西餐菜品由于制作工艺复杂和讲究,设备类型比较多,通常有如下这些设备:炸炉、扒炉、焗炉、烧烤炉、咖啡炉、保温汤池、热狗机、烘箱、万能蒸烤箱、意面炉、煲仔炉、煮食炉、夹层汤锅等 。
七、排烟设备,厨房生产难免回会产生大量的油烟,因此,排油烟设备是厨房必不可少的 。主要有:排烟管道,一般有镀锌管和不锈钢,油烟净化器、排烟风机、消音箱、减震器、风机控制箱等 。
Summary table of stainless steel modular
Sliding door table
Origin: Guangdong Henglian
Cylinder capacity: 30KG
Rated voltage: 380V
Rated input power: 1.5KW
Support: 38 × 38 × 1.0mm stainless steel tube
1.0mm stainless steel grille stand the underlying
Feet: adjustable bullet feet
Bottom, sides: 1.0mm stainless steel sheet
Potato Peeling Machine
Stainless steel side table wood
Table: 120mm high-quality wood
Wood panel: 40mm thick willow
Stent: Ф38 × 1.2mm stainless steel tube
Large rice cooker
Microwave ovens
Stainless steel cleaning cupboards
Kitchen knife
Wooden dishes pier
Plastic cutting board
Da Fan shovel stainless steel
Thick soup bucket (aluminum)
Large stainless steel spoon
Water spoon
Chao Shao 10 ounces
Rolling pin (large, medium, small)
Small Oil Brush
Stainless steel oil pot
Oil cell
Fine colander
Stainless steel water heater
Large stainless steel frying shovel Da Guocai
Large colander (bamboo Pcs)
Diameter 25cm stainless steel pots
Small diameter of 25cm thick stainless steel soup bucket
Stainless steel dish clip
Stainless steel grid plate 6
Thickening of the small stainless steel bowl
Stainless steel cooking spoon fight
Stainless steel spoon
Fruit knife
Open hearing
Three dining car stainless steel modular
Panel: 1.5mm stainless steel sheet
Bottom: 1.5mm stainless steel sheet
Bracket: DN25 * 1.0mm steel tube
Directed the first 4-inch rubber tire, rubber tire after the 4-inch Universal
Food basket
Large plastic box
Multifunction mixer
Origin: Guangdong Development Force
Hopper capacity: 20L
Rated voltage: 220V
Foldable large round brackets
Glass turntable, with 6 sets of tablecloths (4 sets of red, 2 sets of bright yellow)
Washing dishes with canteen
Filter co
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