
fence month


禁猎期 a period time that hunting is not permitted
mend (one's) fences
恢复友好往来; 消释前嫌 remove the bad efforts of one's former actions, for example, by becoming friendly with a person one has offended
fence from (v. prep.)
为…筑篱笆墙以阻挡 enclose or surround (sth) with a fence to prevent (sth)
fence sth from sth
They fenced the seedbeds from the north wind.
她们为苗期筑篱遮挡西北风 。
fence in (v. adv.)
包围着; 围住,限定 surround or limit (sb/sth)
fence off (v. adv.)
挡开,抵御住,应对 fight against; deal with (sth)
fence out (v. adv.)
阻止…进到 keep (usually animals) out with a fence; prevent (sb) from entering a group or activity
fence sb ? out
The sheep keep wandering into the vegetable field so we shall have to fence them out.
羊不断往菜园里跑,大家得用护栏把他们拦在外面 。
We don't want that awkward man on the committee, do what you can to fence him out.
大家不肯那傻瓜添加联合会; 你需要竭尽全力阻止他 。
fence with (v. prep.)
【fence什么意思啊】恰当地与(别人)开展辩论 argue skillfully with (sb)
fence sth with sth
The farmer fenced his land with wire.
牧场主用细铁丝把他的土地资源围了起來 。
His land is fenced with barbed wire.
他的农田四周围有长刺的铁网 。
fence with sb/sth
I should like the chance to fence with a worthier opponent.
我很想找机遇跟一个水准非常的敌人跆拳道 。
Shall we fence with long or short swords?
fence with sb
Members of Parliament enjoy fencing with each other on questions which they disagree.
议院立法委员喜爱就产生分歧的难题开展辩论 。
The governor was an expert at fencing with reporters.
这名市长是唐塞电视采访人员的大神 。