英语音标:[ '?uv?'nait ]
1.昨天晚上,昨晚一晚上 。
2.整夜,从夜里到天亮;一夜时间 。
stay overnight 住一晚,留宿 。
1.昨天晚上的,昨晚的 。
2.通夜的 。
3.旅游时留宿用的 。
4.突然的 。
an overnight conversation 通夜商谈 。an overnight millionaire 富人 。
〔美国〕前一天的夜里 。
during or for the length of one night; "the fish marinates overnight"
happening in a short time or with great speed; "these solutions cannot be found overnight!"
during or for the length of one night; "the fish marinates overnight"
happening in a short time or with great speed; "these solutions cannot be found overnight!"
lasting, open, or operating through the whole night; "a nightlong vigil"; "an all-night drugstore"; "an overnight trip"
近义词:nightlong, all-night,
词组与用法1.Overnight they'll take your books apart .
那天晚上,她们将剖析科学研究你的账册 。
2.All this cannot be achieved overnight .
全部这一切都并不是一夜之间能够完成的 。
3.These problems cannot be solved overnight .
这种难题并不是一朝一夕可以处理的 。
4.All this cannot be accomplished overnight .
全部这一切并不是一夜之间可以造就的 。
5.All of that changed overnight .
一夜之间,事儿全大变样 。
6.Today, he could have stayed on overnight in fresno .
今日他原本能够在弗里斯诺留宿 。
7.These fish will keep overnight .
这种鱼留宿不容易坏 。
8.Fortunes were made overnight by financial manipulators .
而金融体系的控制者却刹那之间大发横财 。
9.His submarine put in at the brooklyn navy yard overnight .
他的潜水艇在布鲁克林南海舰队新船停了一夜 。
10.The revolutionary transformation of america was not achieved overnight .
【overnight什么意思啊】美国里程碑式改革创新,并不是一蹴而成 。
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