liu|抗癌、抗衰、护血管?被商家吹上天的葡萄籽,其实真没啥用( 二 )

【3】Tom S,Villani,William,Reichert,Mario G,Ferruzzi,Giulio M,Pasinetti,James E,Simon,Qingli,Wu.Chemical investigation of commercial grape seed derived products to assess quality and detect adulteration.[J].Food chemistry,2015,170:271-80.
【4】Zhang, H., Liu, S., Li, L., Liu, S., Liu, S., Mi, J., & Tian, G. (2016). The impact of grape seed extract treatment on blood pressure changes: A meta-analysis of 16 randomized controlled trials. Medicine, 95(33), e4247
【5】Zhang, H., Liu, S., Li, L., Liu, S., Liu, S., Mi, J., & Tian, G. (2016). The impact of grape seed extract treatment on blood pressure changes: A meta-analysis of 16 randomized controlled trials. Medicine, 95(33), e4247
liu|抗癌、抗衰、护血管?被商家吹上天的葡萄籽,其实真没啥用】【6】FDA Takes Action Against 'Bogus Cancer Cures'.