一旦停止运动,你的身体需要多长时间回到“不健康”?( 三 )

因此 , 即使在努力健身之后 , 我们的心血管健康和力量水平也会在停止锻炼的48小时内开始下降 。 但心血管健康需要至少两到三周 , 力量需要大约六到十周才能开始感受到这些影响 。 男性和女性在这方面的速度不相上下 , 甚至年纪较大的运动员也是如此 。 但你越健康 , 你失去这些“健康果实”的速度就越慢 。
总之 , 为了保留住以前努力结出的“健康果实” , 要把坚持运动的习惯继续到底!记住 , 容易走的都是下坡路 。


1. Epidemiology and determinants of obesity in China


2. Training to Enhance the Physiological Determinants of Long-Distance Running Performance

3. Physiological adaptations to low-volume, high-intensity interval training in health and disease

4. Effects of Resistance Training on Muscle Strength, Endurance, and Motor Unit According to Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Polymorphism in Male College Students

5. Physiological and training characteristics of recreational marathon runners

6. Two weeks of detraining reduces cardiopulmonary function and muscular fitness in endurance athletes

7. Cardiac size and VO2max do not decrease after short-term exercise cessation

8. The effects of caloric restriction or exercise cessation on the serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations of endurance athletes


9. Strength and muscle adaptations in heavy-resistance-trained women after detraining and retraining