
以后我们就不会再相见了 , 从此以后我们见不到的日子不再以天计算了 , 就要按年来算了 。
We won;t see each other again in the future. From then on, the days we can;t see will be counted by years instead of days.

我们就到这里吧 , 在努力下去只会伤更深 , 我一个已经走了很远的路了 , 所以对于我不必那么的将就 。
Let;s talk about it here. If we work hard, it will only hurt more. I have already walked a long way, so I don7;t have to make do with it.

真的的对不起了 , 曾今的那些生活的点滴 , 那些长篇大论以后我就不在讲给你听了 。
I;m really sorry, but I won;t tell you the details of my life after those long speeches.

虽然我还是很爱你 , 我虽然是舍不得离开你 , 我虽然还是我那个不了你 , 但是现在的我已经没有多余的力气在去想你了 。
Although I still love you very much, although I am reluctant to leave you, although I still can;t help you, now I have no extra strength to miss you.

其实人生最糟糕的感觉就是 , 对于你 , 我不知道是应该继续等待你的回头 , 还是我选择放弃你?
In fact, the worst feeling in life is that for you, I don;t know whether I should continue to wait for your return or whether I choose to give up on you.

我们对于的付出和主动 , 都是取决于我爱你 , 但是现在的放弃和不联系 , 只是我觉得你的生命里 , 对于我可有可无 , 在你眼里 , 我永远都是多余的 。
But my dedication and initiative depend on my love for you, but now I give up and don;t contact you, but I think that in your life, I am dispensable for me, and in your eyes, I will always be redundant.

我曾经拼尽了全力 , 想尽了所有的办法 , 我只为博得你对我的一个笑容 , 但是现在想想曾经那么努力的自己 , 现在的我回想起来 , 我觉得很可笑 。
I used to try my best and try my best. I only tried to win a smile from you. But now I think about myself who worked so hard. Now I think it;s ridiculous to search.

曾经你说什么就是什么 , 不管多么大的误会 , 就算我亲眼看到 , 只要你给我解释 , 我就义无反顾地去相信你 , 我所有的一切我都包容了 , 但是最后你是离开了 , 现在你想要的我能做的就是去成全你 。
Once, whatever you said was what, no matter how big the misunderstanding was, even if I saw it with my own eyes, as long as you explained it to me, I would trust you without hesitation. I was tolerant of everything I had, but in the end, you left. Now all I can do is help you. 分页标题

曾经我对你一直都是满眼的期待 , 但是现在对于你的不如人意的感觉 , 真的很心酸 , 以后这样的感觉不会再有了 。
I used to look forward to you with my eyes full, but now I feel sad about your unsatisfactory feeling, and I won;t have this feeling again in the future.

从你我的相遇 , 我没有亏欠你 , 但是我却欠自己良久 , 对于我没有丝毫的亏欠 。 对于你我有九分的喜欢 , 一分的尊严 , 我不是放弃了你 , 而是我打算放过我自己 。
From the meeting between you and me, I don;t owe you, but I owe myself for a long time, and I don;t owe you anything. For you, I have nine points of love and one point of dignity. Instead of giving up on you, I intend to let myself go.

对于你 , 我从来就没有拥有过 , 所以我不谈失去了你 , 现在的我必须坚强起来 , 那些伤算不得什么 , 因为我是男孩子 , 我需要承担的责任很重 。
For you, I never had it, so I don;t talk about losing you. Now I must be strong. Those injuries are nothing, because I am a boy, and I need to bear heavy responsibilities.