十几岁的时候 , 我遇见了一个清风明月般的人 , 我什么都没想 , 我只想爱他 。
When I was a teenager, I met a man like a clear wind and bright moon. I didn"t think about anything. I just wanted to love him.
我比流言更早认识你 , 不为名利而来 , 不因流言而离开 。
I know you earlier than the rumors, do not come for fame and wealth, do not leave because of rumors.
你为我穿一次婚纱 , 我为你跳一辈子舞 。
You wear a wedding dress for me, and I dance for you all my life.
未曾谋面也终会相遇 , 慢慢来吧 , 慢慢相遇吧 。
Never met will eventually meet, slowly come on, slowly meet.
要一直陪着那个男孩子走下去啊 , 他是星光 ,是你最初的梦 。
Always accompany that boy to go down, he is the star, is your initial dream.
第一眼惊艳 , 第二眼沦陷 , 第三眼不负遇见 。
The first eye is amazing, the second eye is occupied, and the third eye is not negative.
攒满想念值换一次见面好不好 。
It"s worth meeting for another time.
You are my special attention, you are my frequent visit, you are my micro blog top, you are my mobile phone wallpaper, you are my personality portrait.
不干涉 ,不打扰 , 不紧盯你的世界 , 不强求 ,不扭转 , 不揣测你的思想 , 不窥探, 不指划 , 不评判你的生活 , 纯粹的爱, 默默的支持 。
Don"t interfere, don"t disturb, don"t stare at your world, don"t force, don"t turn around, don"t guess your thoughts, don"t pry, don"t point out, don"t judge your life, pure love, silent support.
青春不负你 , 青春不负我 。
Youth is not negative for you, youth is not negative for me.
热爱可抵岁月漫长 , 彼此保护从来不是说说而已 。
Love can withstand the long years, mutual protection is never just a talk.
就算荧光棒变成拐杖 , 你依旧是我的梦想 。
Even if the fluorescent stick turns into a crutch, you are still my dream.
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