
8月26日女性平等日美国驻华大使馆 今天二次大战期间题为 “铆工萝西” (Rosie the Riveter)的海报以1942年内奥米∙帕克∙弗雷利(Naomi Parker Fraley)拍摄的照片为原型 。 (© Corbis/Getty Images; © Bettmann/Getty Images)The iconic World War II "Rosie the Riveter" poster is based on this 1942 photo of the late Naomi Parker Fraley. (© Corbis/Getty Images; © Bettmann/Getty Images)今天(8月26日)是女性平等日 。1920年8月26日 , 美国宪法第十九修正案获得批准 , 保障了女性选举的基本权利 。 这份历经数十年的组织、抗议和大声疾呼才取得的成果是争取众生平等的漫长征途上的一个转折点 , 它激励了一代代勇敢的女性 , 她们在自己所在的时代继承着这项未竟的奋斗 。在这个民权里程碑的纪念日到来之际 , 我们向美国女性的坚毅 , 以及所有那些努力让我们的女儿和儿子都有可能享受同样权利和机会的人致敬 。Today (August 26) is Women’s Equality Day.On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was certified, securing for women the fundamental right to vote. The product of decades spent organizing, protesting, and agitating, it was a turning point on the long march toward equality for all, and it inspired generations of courageous women who took up this unfinished struggle in their own time.On the anniversary of this civil rights milestone, we honor the character and perseverance of America’s women and all those who work to make the same rights and opportunities possible for our daughters and sons.阅读 2207赞108在看62