
These Are The Trends Influencing Consumer Behavior In 2020

想要搞清楚时尚潮流是怎么来的 , 我们要从消费者行为入手 。 毕竟潮流并不仅仅是关于服装的款式而已 , 首先要考虑消费者群体的变化和他们花钱方式的变化 , 还要综合这些行为背后的心理来考虑 。 今天让我们一起来看看2020的消费主角都是谁 , 以及影响他们的潮流 。
When trying to understand where fashion trends come from, we first have to consumer behavior. Trends aren’t just dictated and decided upon on looks alone. in fact there’s a whole psychology involved in looking at how the consumer has changed and how they are parting with their hard earned cash, to factor into the mix first. We’re taking a look at exactly who the 2020 consumer is and x trends they’ll be influenced by next year.
Gen Z Mentality
Z世代 , 即出生在1996-2010 之间的人 ,逐渐成长为主力消费人群 。 时装企业今年将把更多的注意力放在他们身上 , 来推出产品线 , 制定营销策略 。 因为Z世代出生成长在一个有电脑 , 手机和移动互联网的世界 , 他们都一定数量的钱 , 其中一部分人也有了稳定的收入 ,都在等着花出去 。 但是有一点 , Z世代都很谨慎 ,这点比之前的千禧一代有过之而无不及 。 因此了解消费者背后的做决策的心理就显得更为重要了 。
It’s a great time for Gen Z right now. The consensus is that anyone born between 1996 and 2010 can be considered a Gen Z'er meaning fashion companies are looking to them this year more than ever, to inform their product lines and marketing strategies. This is because elder Gen Z'ers, the generation known for being born into a world where computers, mobiles and instant internet access has always existed, are well into their early twenties. This means they have access to their own money including a decent amount of disposable income, just ready and waiting to be spent. But here’s the clincher! Gen Z are conscious consumers, far more so than the millennials who came before them and therefore, arguably, the psychology behind consumer made decisions has never been more important.
Z世代的成长伴随着经济动荡和气候变化等等很多不确定的事物 , 其他很多婴儿潮一代和X世代追求的事物都出现了 。 他们也非常有事业心 , 把自己看做一个可以为社会利益做出贡献的个人品牌 。
Gen Z grew up with a lot of uncertainty in terms of the economy, the climate and pretty much everything else the Boomers and Gen X have been running for them - and it shows! They are also entrepreneurial, seeing themselves as personal brands for social gain.
Sustainability As A Starting Point

2020年 , 可持续性任然是我们不懈的追求 ,只是这更多的是一个前提而不是潮流了 。千禧一代的消费者也同样受到可持续观念的影响 ,他们依然注重呵护自己 , 支持大健康产业 , 喜欢有机 , 纯粹和绿色的东西 。 绿色的生活方式已经兴起 ,带动时尚品牌在人造皮革 , 可持续皮料和植物纤维等方面加大筹码 。 几乎每个月都有品牌宣告他们不再使用动物皮毛或者皮革 , 这股潮流在接下来几年一定会愈演愈烈 。分页标题
We’re all still working towards sustainability in 2020 only it’s more of a starting point and a prerequisite rather than a trend. Millennials are also included in this influence on consumer behavior as they continue on the journey to self care, support the wellness industry and surround themselves with all things organic, pure and green. Plant based lifestyles are also lumped in here, influencing fashion brands to really up the ante on their vegan leather, sustainable skins and cellulose fibers. Almost every month we see an announcement from another brand, declaring they are going fur or leather free and we’re sure this will continue to grow in popularity as the year goes on.
Immersive Technology

技术是另一个影响消费者行为的因素 。 已经有很多时装和美妆品牌在店铺和试衣间使用具有交互功能的镜子 。 虚拟现实 , 增强现实和Snapchat游戏也越来越多 , 眼下消费者对这种消费体验还不太熟悉 , 用不了多久 ,他们这方面的需求就会越来越多 。 在这种技术热潮中 , 如果购物带来的新鲜和娱乐性不够 , 一步错过 , 步步皆输 。
Technology is certainly an influencing trend for consumer spending and we’ve already seen this from the fashion and beauty brands using interactive mirrors in their stores and fitting rooms. Virtual reality, augmented reality and Snapchat gaming are all on the increase and while at present, consumers don’t necessarily expect these kind of shopping experiences but it won’t be before long they do. Anything less could become lost in the technology buzz and not provide the same level of excitement and entertainment from their shopping experience.
The Burnout
我们生活在一种焦虑的文化中 , 由此带来了我们可以大有作为的全新产品和服务 , 焦虑文化是指当今社会带来的压力 , 可能是因为你做了三份工作也没经济上的安全感 , 或者一边忙于学习 , 一边还要工作 , 兼职工作 , 社交 , 开导刚离婚的玛丽阿姨 , 所有这些都让你焦头乱额 , 焦虑是每个人都会有的 , 因此消费者会寻找可以让他们感觉良好的产品和时装 。 柔软舒适的面料 , 放松保健类的产品更适合他们享受闲暇时光 。
we’re living in a burn out culture and with it brings a whole new category of products and services that can be filled. The burn out culture refers to feeling burned out by the pressures of today’s society which can be anything from working three jobs and still not being financially secure, to taking on too many personal projects while trying to study at school, work part time, have a social life and support aunt Mary through her divorce. Burnout is a very real thing for many people and so consumers will be looking for products and fashion that makes them feel good, soft and tender fabrics for taking time out for themselves as well as calming and restorative products.
Holding The Same Values

图片来源:上海大学-巴黎国际时装艺术学院 分页标题
在社交媒体时代 ,消费者期望和他们购买的品牌建立起联系 , 所以只有好的产品是不够的 , 消费者希望感觉到产品背后的品牌和他们有一样的价值观 。 2019年 , 这个问题最好的例子是在快餐行业 。 美国快餐巨头Chick-Fil-A是一个爆红的炸鸡快餐品牌 , 今年却出了问题 , 不是说他家的鸡肉口味或者质量不好 , 或者客服或宣传出了错 。 唯一的问题出在这家公司给反同性恋组织捐款 。 很多喜欢这个品牌的人纷纷不再买他们家的食物了 。
In an era where social media prevails, consumers are looking to regain a sense of personal connection with the brands they shop from. It’s not enough any longer to simply have a great product, consumers also want to feel that the brand behind the product holds the same values as they do personally. We’ve seen a perfect example of this already in 2019 in the fast food industry. Leading American chicken giant Chick-Fil-A food is extremely popular and broadly accepted as one of the best fast food chicken restaurants. But their problem this year wasn’t to do with the taste or quality of their chicken, neither was it anything to do with customer service or print point. No, it was all down to the company’s charitable donations to anti gay groups. Many advocates for the food simply refuse to buy from them any longer on principle alone.
同时这还包括消费者对理解和关注他们的心理健康的要求 。 逐渐地 , 公开自己受到心理问题的困扰不再是耻辱性的事 ,消费者想知道自己购买的品牌对心理健康的理解 , 以及能尊重他们的员工 。
This also includes the push on understanding and taking care of our mental health. Slowly, the stigma of suffering openly about mental health disorders is starting to be broken down and consumers want to know the companies they buy from, are understanding towards mental health and treating their employees respectfully.
为了做到成功 , 品牌企业需要认识到和他们产品和服务一样重要的还有品牌的价值观 , 环保观念 , 技术的使用 , 个人体验等等 。 2020年 , 品牌不仅要向内看 , 也要关注外界的东西 , 因为他们面对的是越来越成熟的消费者 。
In order to succeed, brands need to recognize that their product or service is just as important to their consumer as the values the brand holds, as their environmental impact, as their use of tech or personal experience and so much more. For 2020, brands need to look internally as well as externally as their customers are delving deep.
上海大学巴黎国际时装艺术学院(Shanghai University - MOD'ART International) , 成立于2003年 , 被外界誉为”上海时装界的黄埔军校“ , 是国内第一个在上海创办的中法合作时装设计学院 , 国内率先引进法国奢侈品营销与管理专业和时尚传播专业 。 受到中国服装协会、中国服装设计师协会、中国国际贸易促进会纺织行业分会等专业社会团体的支持 。