
_本文原题:告别书荒!企鹅书单100本出炉 , 全是大神之作!假期读起来
企鹅图书(Penguin Books)是世界上最著名的英语图书出版社之一 , 主要出版小说与非小说作品 , 以及儿童图书 , 在版书达25000种 。

最近 , “企鹅”的读者们评选出了“100本必读的经典书籍” , 今天让我们一起看看 前50本分别是哪些吧!

The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》
by: F. Scott Fitzgerald 弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德
对“美国梦”最深刻、最尖锐的剖析;璀璨只是一瞬 , 幻灭才是永恒 。
The greatest, most scathing dissection of the hollowness at the heart of the American dream. Hypnotic, tragic, both of its time and completely relevant.
(Joe T, Twitter)
One Hundred Years of Solitude《百年孤独》
by: Gabriel García Márquez 加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯
魔幻现实主义的代表 。 这本书既有趣又感人 , 让我不由得思考起时间的无情流逝 。
Magic realism at its best. Both funny and moving, this book made me reflect for weeks on the inexorable march of time.
(Andre C, Twitter)
To Kill a Mockingbird《杀死一只知更鸟》
by: Harper Lee 哈珀·李
一个关于人们如何对待彼此的故事 , 心酸又动人 。
A jarring & poignantly beautiful story about how humans treat each other.
(Greygardens, Twitter)
Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》
by: Jane Austen 简·奥斯汀

这本书里有哲学、历史、智慧 , 还有最炽热的爱情故事 。
Philosophy, history, wit, and the most passionate love story.
(Francesca, Twitter )
In Cold Blood《冷血》
by: Truman Capote 杜鲁门·卡波特

卡波特历时六年 , 开创了文学创作的崭新形式——“非虚构小说” 。 《冷血》使卡波特这位驾驭着流丽文体的作家 , 终于变身为不折不扣的真正作家 。
In this groundbreaking novel, completed after six arduous years of research, Capote invented a new genre - the 'Nonfiction Novel' - applying prose techniques to fact. It spawned the school of New Journalism & invented the true crime genre as we know it.
(Kgjephcott, Twitter )
Wide Sargasso Sea《藻海无边》
by: Jean Rhys 琼·里斯

这是一个关于殖民者混血后代、无法给自己身份定位的克里奥尔女子悲怆人生的往事 , 也是一个关于那个时代女子用生命打破黑暗来抗争的宿命结局 。
Rhys took a character from a classic novel and breathed new life into the “madwoman in the attic” based on her own experiences/world view. She beautifully showed how the stories we read fold into our lives to make new stories.
(Eric A, Twitter ) 分页标题
Brave New World《美丽新世界》
by: Aldous Huxley 阿道司·赫胥黎
在“美丽新世界”里 , 由于社会与生物控制技术的发展 , 人类已经沦为垄断基因公司和政治人物手中的玩偶 。 人们会站出来 , 挑战那些试图统治我们的人工智能吗?
Given the exponential growth of AI, Machine Learning & Robotics, Huxley's vision acts as a warning. Will we rise and challenge those who seek to shape our future or sleepwalk toward conditioning by technology?
(David G, Twitter )
I Capture The Castle《 我的秘密城堡》
by: Dodie Smith 道迪·史密斯
这本书以幽默的笔调 , 描绘了年少的情愫和一些家长里短 。 经典书单里需要有这样比较“欢快”的书作为调剂哦!
A 'children's book' that speaks volumes (ha) about unrequited love and dysfunctional families. Timeless. And funny. (and we need some laughs on the 100 Classics list!)
(Helen Y, Twitter )
Jane Eyre《简爱》
by: Charlotte Bronte 夏洛蒂·勃朗特
简活成了我们理想中的模样 , 她敢于为自己争取权益 , 也愿意为朋友、为信仰挺身而出 。 这是一位“灰姑娘式”人物的感人奋斗史 。
Because Jane is a role model: she stands up for herself, others and what she believes in, but isn't too proud to give second chances to those whose time is running out.
(Sarah F, Twitter )
Crime and Punishment《罪与罚》
by: Fyodor Dostoevsky 弗雷多·托斯妥耶夫斯基
从没有一本小说能够让我对主人公产生如此深刻的共鸣!我反复读了几遍这本小说 , 内心久久无法平静!
No other novel has made me feel so much for the main characters, so deeply depicted by the author. I felt like an orphan when I finished it and it's the only novel I've re-read several times.
(Angie V, Twitter )
The Secret History《校园秘史》
by: Donna Tartt 唐娜·塔特
这是一部现代经典小说 , 作者的描写和布局功力实在厉害 , 好一个“阴谋”!
A modern classic - so well-articulated and written (something that’s hard to come by these days). Also, EXCELLENT PLOT!
(AnamiAndBooks, Twitter )
The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》
by: Jack London 杰克·伦敦
每个热爱我们地球的人 , 都能体会到这本书讲得多么有道理 。
Because everyone who loves the earth knows it’s true.
(Helen D, Twitter )
The Chrysalids《蛹/重生》
by: John Wyndham 约翰·温德姆
这是一部后启示录式的小说 , 也是一部科幻小说 , 在多年后的今天仍有很大的启发意义 。
A post-apocalyptic novel, about intolerance, loneliness, friendship, and what it means to be human. A fantastic sci-fi novel, as relevant today as it was in the 50s.
(Hollie B, Twitter )
by: Jane Austen 简·奥斯汀

这一直是我最爱的小说 。 它富有感情深度 , 又细致入微 。 随着渐渐长大 , 我们自身也发生了变化 。 年少时不小心犯下的一些错 , 也终将得以弥补 。
This continues to be my favourite novel. It is a more mature love story, full of humourous, delightful observations of human behaviour. It offers us a glimpse of redemption. We change as we grow, and the mistakes made in our youth can be overcome. 分页标题
(Dartmouth_Diva, Twitter )
Moby Dick《白鲸》
by: Herman Melville 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔
《白鲸》采用哥特式的自然书写 , 表现出作者对自然生态和人类社会文明的忧患意识 。 谁会不喜欢这样的书呢?
The great American novel: great characters, wonderful language, thick with the Bible and Thomas Browne, and has the best opening sentence ever. What's not to like?
(David H, Twitter )
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe《狮子女巫与魔衣橱》
by: C.S.Lewis CS刘易斯
这是一个美丽、纯真、永恒的故事 , 这是一本令人爱不释手的书!
A beautiful timeless tale of innocence, wonder and sacrifice for young and old alike. It was one of the first books that I read from cover to cover without putting down!
(Adisha K, Twitter )
To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》
by: Virginia Woolf 弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙
你感觉自己仿佛站在悬崖上 , 海风凛冽……
You feel like you’re stood on top of a cliff with the sea breeze blowing right through your bones.
?(Halcyonbookdays, Twitter )
Death of the Heart《心之死》
by: Elizabeth Bowen 伊丽莎白·鲍恩
这本书讲述了一个女孩在战争期间经历的紧张与焦虑 。
This book captures the awkward tension and anxieties of the interwar period through a deeply reflective, but oddly naive, unloved girl. ?
(Heather O, Twitter )
Tess of the d'Urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》
by: Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代
这本小说反映了女性在过去的地位 。 女主人公所拥有的人性与灵魂深处的巨大魄力 , 使之成为最动人的女性形象之一 。
This novel teaches us about the position of women in the past and their moments of frailty versus moments of strength. Basically, an important insight for everyone to have!
(Abbie H, Twitter )
by: Mary Shelley 玛丽·雪莱
小说在传统哥特式小说的基础上融合了浪漫主义元素和现实主义元素 , 采用书信体和记叙体相穿插的形式 , 创作手法特别 。
Chosen for all the questions it raises about consequences and taking responsibility for your actions; nature versus nurture; the value of friendship. I could go on.
(Julie A, Twitter )
The Master and Margarita《大师和玛格丽特》
by: Mikhail Bulgakov 米哈伊尔·布尔加科夫
小说中频频出现魔幻的场景 , 如剧院里下起了卢布雨 , 公寓里开起了撒旦舞会 ,黑猫化身变成少年 , 凡人涂上魔油后变成了会飞的女妖……
This novel has got the Devil mooching around Moscow with a massive black cat. Oh, and there’s a naked flying lady.
(Eggfrieddog, Twitter )
The Go-Between《幽情 密使》
by: L. P. Hartley 莱斯利·珀斯·哈特利
我被这本书的故事情节深深地吸引了 。 多希望Leo是我的弟弟呀 , 这样我就可以保护他 , 使他不受伤害 。
As a 17-year-old, I was completely absorbed by this story, wishing Leo was my brother so that I could protect him from the disappointment that awaited him.
(Rapsodiafestiva, Twitter )
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest《飞越疯人院》 分页标题
by: Ken Kesey 肯·克西

生活中不只有冷冰冰的规矩 , 喜怒哀乐、同理心……也都是生活不可或缺的组成部分 。
A story that shows there is more to life than following rules. Having joy and being spontaneous are as important as anything else in life.
(Darren B, Twitter )
Nineteen Eighty-Four《1984》
by: George Orwell 乔治·奥威尔
书里的很多预言在多年后的今天 , 已经成为现实 。 我很庆幸自己不用生活在书中所描述的社会环境里 。
I first read this book years ago, and was glad I would never have to be a part of that kind of society. Yet, here I am in 2018, and so much of that novel has come true.
(Donna J, Twitter )
by: Thomas Mann 保尔·托马斯·曼
这部小说描述了一个家族的兴衰史 , 父亲和儿子的矛盾 , 商业和艺术的冲突 , 无不让人陷入深思 。
It’s a great novel about the rise and fall of a family, the relationship between fathers and sons, and the conflict between art and business. Well, and I have to say I do love family sagas.
(Peter L, Twitter )
The Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》
by: John Steinbeck 约翰·斯坦贝克

小说以约德一家为代表 , 记叙了他们一家十二口从俄克拉荷马州向加利福尼亚州逃荒的艰难经历 , 令人唏嘘不已 。
Migration in search of work and a better future. A modern day story. Still makes my skin tingle.
(Morven, Twitter )
by: Toni Morrison 托妮·莫里森
宠儿是因爱而被谋杀的孩子 , 她回到母亲身边 , 是寻找心灵的依靠 。 她因爱而死 , 又在爱与恨的交织中重新获得自由 。
This book is amazing. Beautifully written, haunting and the level of detail of the lengths people went to protect their families from slavery is fantastic.
(LittleReigate, Twitter )
The Code of the Woosters《伍斯特准则》
by: P.G. Wodehouse P.G.伍德豪斯
20世纪轻喜剧小说大师伍德豪斯很好的一部作品 。
The best of the Bertie and Jeeves novels by Wodehouse, the 20th century master of the light comic novel. Intricate plotting and brilliant command of English prose.
(Matt F, Twitter )
by: Bram Stoker 布莱姆·斯托克
一个人会以牺牲自己的道德和灵魂来换取永生吗?这是一个关于爱与恐惧的故事 。
A Gothic tale of fear and love. Would one desire immortality at the cost of one’s morality and soul? Loneliness beckons down such a dangerous and fearful path.
(Rob K, Twitter )
The Lord of the Rings《指环王》
by: J. R. R. Tolkien J.R.R.托尔金
这是一个攸关生存与勇气 , 为了人类的光明未来 , 誓死抵抗黑暗的动人故事 。
It's got the great sweeping story, romance, heroism, self-sacrifice, social commentary... it's not just magic and elves!
(Anne O, Twitter )
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 分页标题
by: Mark Twain 马克·吐温
这部小说从思想到技巧都有许多创新 。 小说赞扬了男孩哈克贝利的机智和善良 , 谴责了宗教的虚伪和信徒的愚昧 , 同时 , 塑造了一位富有尊严的黑奴形象 。
This book demonstrates how a young boy learns to think for himself, and shows us how we can, too. It’s funny, sweet and sad – sometimes all in the same paragraph.
(Richard C, Twitter )
Great Expectations《远大前程》
by: Charles Dickens 查尔斯·狄更斯
这是一本很重要的文学杰作 。 不幸的是 , 现在有很多孩子还经历着像主人公皮普一样的痛苦 。
This book is not only important as a literary masterpiece and an evocative story - it also has universal appeal as, unfortunately, many children in today's world undergo the same suffering as Pip.
(Ayesha K, Twitter )
Catch 22《第二十二条军规》
by: Joseph Heller 约瑟夫·海勒
小说糅合了海勒参加二战的亲身经历 , 情节荒唐滑稽 , 人物性格反常无理 , 对战争和美国官僚权力制度进行了强烈的讽刺 。
In my opinion there is no book that better captures human nature and the futility of conflict. You’ll come out the other side angry, uplifted, and crazy.
(Sam W, Twitter )
The Age of Innocence《纯真年代》
by: Edith Wharton 伊迪丝·华顿
“When SHE comes she is different, and one doesn't know why...".
(Lulu B, Twitte r)
Things Fall Apart《瓦解》
by: Chinua Achebe 奇奴阿·阿切比
关于文化身份的探索 , 用悲情写成的凄美悲剧 , 值得一读!
A compelling and important exploration of cultural identity in relation to both the rising tide of British colonialism and the pressures of gender expectations. A poignant tragedy written with pathos. Necessary reading!
(Danny N, Twitter )
by: George Eliot 乔治·艾略特
作者就像是那个时代的莎士比亚 , 对人类社会的剖析和洞察极其深刻 。
This book is superb in form and content. There is no better dissection of and insight into human society. She was the Shakespeare of her day and Middlemarch is her finest novel.
(Tim R, Twitter )
Midnight's Children《午夜的孩子》
by: Salman Rushdie 萨尔曼·鲁西迪
这是我读过的写得最好的书 , 通过一个寓言讲述一段历史 。
This is the most magical and well written book I've read. The history of the partition of the Indian subcontinent told as a delightful allegory.
(Claudia G, Twitter )
The Iliad《伊利亚特》
by: Homer 荷马
全诗以特洛伊战争为题材 , 以希腊联军主帅阿伽门农与将领阿喀琉斯的争吵为核心 , 叙述了特洛伊战争结束前50天的精彩故事 。
This is the ultimate war poem, filled with existential drama, heroic striving, death, and the meaning of life.
(Max G, Twitter )
Vanity Fair《名利场》
by: William Makepeace Thackeray 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷
夏普是英国文学中很伟大的女性形象 。
Because Becky Sharp is the greatest female lead character in English literature. Bar none. 分页标题
(Greg R, Twitter )
Brideshead Revisited《故园风雨后》
by: Evelyn Waugh 伊夫林·沃
让人不由得想起某个特定的时间和地点 , 以及一个引人入胜的故事 。
So evocative of a certain time and place, as well as being a compelling story.
(Patricia C, Twitter )
The Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》
by: JD Salinger 杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格

塞林格将故事的起止局限于16岁的中学生霍尔顿·考尔菲德从离开学校到纽约游荡的三天时间内 , 并借鉴了意识流天马行空的写作方法 , 充分探索了一个十几岁少年的内心世界 。
This novel’s main character, Holden, is coping with tragic loss, as all of us do in our lives. As he wanders aimlessly around the city, he struggles to plan his next life move, but finds happiness in small joys, such as his strong bond with his sister.
(Alma E, Twitter )
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》
by: Lewis Carroll 刘易斯·卡罗尔
主人公爱丽丝的那份纯真无论是对儿童还是成年人 , 都具有非常大的魅力 。
We should all get lost down a rabbit hole every once in a while and come out believing in six impossible things before breakfast #whyisaravenlikeawritingdesk
(Lauren D, Twitter )
The Mill on the Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》
by: George Eliot 乔治·艾略特
经典好书值得一读!这是一个关于“天才”女孩通过自己的努力 , 克服世俗重重困难的故事 。
One classic everyone must read: The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot. A beautifully told story of an intelligent girl who yearns for more than society allows.
(Jess, Twitter )
Barchester Towers《巴彻斯特的灯塔》
by: Anthony Trollope 安东尼·特罗洛普
这本书的角色和故事情节 , 都让读者仿佛身临其境 , 奇妙而难以忘怀 。
This book has tremendous characters and a plot which sucks you into such a different world, about which you find yourself caring desperately.
(Hilary S, Twitter )
Another Country《同窗之爱》
by: James Baldwin 詹姆斯·鲍德温
音乐将不同的人联系起来 , 共同活出最真实的自己 , 创建一个有“温度 ”的家园 。
This is a book that shows how everyone can live and love together, passionately, dangerously, with exquisite music. I’ll never forget the thrill of first reading it.
(Jon A, Twitter )
Les Miserables《悲惨世界》
by: Victor Hugo 维克多·雨果
全书以其艺术魅力 , 展示了一幅自1793年法国大革命至1832年巴黎人民起义期间 , 法国近代社会生活和政治生活的辉煌画卷 , 体现了雨果在叙事方面的过人才华 , 是世界文学史上现实主义与浪漫主义结合的典范 。
A beautiful story of the power of redemption and a good heart along with a backdrop of the socio-economic iniquities of 19th century France. Beautifully written, it tugs the heartstrings.
(Gary G, Twitter )
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory《查理和巧克力工厂》
by: Roald Dahl 罗尔德·达尔
凡是看过此书的读者 , 全都情不自禁迷倒在作者创造的畅快淋漓的魔力世界 , 无一幸免 。分页标题
This list wouldn't be complete without some of Roald Dahl's magic, and my golden ticket is for this novel.
(Isanne V, Twitter )
The Outsiders《局外人》
by: S. E. Hinton 希顿
这本小说情节富有冲击力 , 让我从此爱上阅读!
The original YA novel, which sparked many crushes and made me fall in love with reading.
(Claire C, Twitter )
The Count of Monte Cristo《基督山伯爵》
by: Alexandre Dumas 亚历山大·仲马
本书是法国作家大仲马的杰出作品 , 讲述了十九世纪一位名叫爱德蒙·邓蒂斯的大副受到陷害后的悲惨遭遇 , 以及日后以基督山伯爵身份成功复仇的故事 。 故事情节曲折生动 , 处处出人意料 。
The best classic tale! A story of innocence, romance, betrayal, suffering, revenge and more importantly, Man’s triumph over all life thr ows at him.
(Hayati Y, Twitter )
by: James Joyce 詹姆斯·乔伊斯
小说大量运用细节描写和意识流手法构建了一个交错凌乱的时空 , 语言上形成了一种独特的风格 。 《尤利西斯》是意识流小说的代表作 , 并被誉为20世纪一百部最佳英文小说之首
Reading it as a person, an emotional journey. Reading it as a writer, technically mesmerizing and inspiring
(Pqxzyvr, Twitter )
声明:【『每日英文学习』告别书荒!企鹅书单100本出炉,全是大神之作!假期读起来】除特别注明原创授权转载文章外 , 其他文章均为转载 , 版权归原作者或平台所有 。 如有侵权 , 请后台联系 , 告知删除 , 谢谢